woohoo!! battalions over and im going on a 4 day leave to bandar tomorrow. Probably gonna waste all my hard earned cash on pizza hut or kfc or some thai massage thingy. Either way i must do all i can to destress cause another battalion is coming and that is something not to look forward to.
Just finished my last sentry duty for my 24hr sunday guard. Its a knnccb suay thing to get caught on especially on a sunday. But either way its a requirement for us here to fulfill, even though everybody thinks its a waste of time and energy.
I truly apologise for my last too entries. (da lame tak tgk pompan) heh heh. But since ive come here ive been dreaming about those 2. First, the blonde angmoh girl is the former guitarist of kittie, Lisa Marx. Two words. Guitar Goddess. Sibay hot.
Den the second one is Shareefa daanish and indonesian actress, whom i happen to find really cute when she acted in this show lovely luna. Which by the way was the first and only indonesian show i have ever watched without anyone forcing me to. Blame it on the indonesian canteen vendors. Tapik kiutkan? Takleh angkat.
Anyway ippt is coming, and i dun have a chance in hell, my weight has ballooned and heck i cant even do 20 push ups now, let alone get 6 for the requirements needed to pass. I so badly want to. Reason being the incentive of being promoted to Corporal. Even so work usually leaves me too exhausted to even attend the unit fitness programme. Camner nak pass? Argh. Macam gitu. haish.
Oh well its now almost 2 months. And that is something good right? 4 more months to go before i can finally get to see vivocity, and you guys!! Hooray for dat. AKu rindu korang semua lah!
okie Gue nak say goodbye!
Goodbye and cheers!