So this past week was L.R.I week at CMTL(central military transport line)tekong. Dunt even ask me what L.R.I stands for. The best I could come up with is land rover inspection, which is pretty ridiculous. All i know its when this group of inspectors come and inspect the whole place, how we run it, the vehicles, the office, paperwork, stores and all that crap.
So it was pretty busy with all the preparation. Tempers were flared quite easily, and i pretty much made up my mind to ignore most of those fuckers there. The only people i seem to have much tolerated are the people who come together everynight in my bunk to play winning eleven, watch dvds or generally to talk crap.
Sometimes i envy them, they have so many stories to tell about their adventures during the weekends. The places they go to, the people they meet. But when they ask me about my weekends. I have nothing to say or be proud about.
I hope maybe, if i do happen to go overseas, a completely new me would return to singapore. After living in this shell created by my parents, maybe its time to breakout of it. I mean a year without your parents, anything can happen right?
Which brings me to this, boatman has finally arived. Will be reporting tomorrow at 0745hrs at seletar camp. Its gonna be hell. But theres brunei at the end of it. I hope i can pull through.
Oh well crappy things aside, recently i have been listeing to alot of zolof the rock and roll destroyer. They're like an antidote for a bad day. Cutest band ever!!! Check it out.
Anyways ive decided to start a solo project. Its gonna be postal service meets angels and airwaves meets coldplay meets incubus meets zolof the rock and roll destroyer meets the pussycat dolls. I donno if im gonna do it alone or wth someone. But ive decided im too lazy to find band members. Its too much work!! Have a handful of material in my notebook. Hopefully itll turn out much better than it did with ue. Wish them all the best.
k aku ngantok besok kene angkat boat lari lari atas laut.
k bye
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006

picture stolen from Panic Nation
So there i was in the middle of plainsunset's set, jumping, screaming, singing, dancing to the band that was plainsunset!! theyre back!! and they are here to stay!!
Day 1 and Day 2 of Baybeats was a blast!! It was easily the mostest funnest two days ive had in such a long time. The company was great and the music was awesome. Couldnt have really asked for more.
Untill next year. Cheers!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Im counting down the days till the boatman course. Been 'trying' to whip myself into shape to get ready for it but i guess im just too out of sync and mentally unprepared for hard physical training after a few months out in the wilderness. Running laps around the stadium feels good though.
Life in camp has improved, by quite a bit. Bunk is finally back to its full strength after those driver trainee days. Courses, bike crashes, off days, details, has left some empty beds during the last months. But now that all the guys are back, everynights been a riot. If laughing was an exercise i guess i would have a 6 pack by now. But in between it all there is some stupid in-fighting and backstabbing which i dunt fully understand but what the hell. I wish i dun have to give a damn but this people are the ones that i will be spending my time with for the next few months, at least untill i head out to brunei.
yes brunei.
It has never really hit me that im gonna spend about close to a year away from home. away from my family. And now that it is looming in the horizon, im starting to wonder how its gonna be like. For the past 20 years of my life, ive never for once thought of myself as an independant person. Though these days at tekong has helped me overcome this a little, we still returned home at least a day every week. But its gonna 6 months man till im allowed to visit.
baaah nieways, baybeats next week. hooray for dat. tomrrow is gonna be another day spent on self reflection at home. pathetic, i know.
Life in camp has improved, by quite a bit. Bunk is finally back to its full strength after those driver trainee days. Courses, bike crashes, off days, details, has left some empty beds during the last months. But now that all the guys are back, everynights been a riot. If laughing was an exercise i guess i would have a 6 pack by now. But in between it all there is some stupid in-fighting and backstabbing which i dunt fully understand but what the hell. I wish i dun have to give a damn but this people are the ones that i will be spending my time with for the next few months, at least untill i head out to brunei.
yes brunei.
It has never really hit me that im gonna spend about close to a year away from home. away from my family. And now that it is looming in the horizon, im starting to wonder how its gonna be like. For the past 20 years of my life, ive never for once thought of myself as an independant person. Though these days at tekong has helped me overcome this a little, we still returned home at least a day every week. But its gonna 6 months man till im allowed to visit.
baaah nieways, baybeats next week. hooray for dat. tomrrow is gonna be another day spent on self reflection at home. pathetic, i know.
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