hahaha. so after work my original plan was to go to the beach and meet the kids there. they after all suggested going to the beach yesterday but then they had already went earlier in the morning and were all on the rails by the time i had left work. yeah so dissapointed. had been looking forward to go the beach and like liza said "nak tgk stars".. hehe so nvm then met yazid in the bus den zack, allen,din and dan at the rails. wat rail?? (go look at my header pic yeah?? haha). den zack and yazid left to donno where. allen accompanied me to kfc and din and dan went off to cut their hair. i tink? haha anyways.... went home after dat... so tired...

this pic is fucking awesome. my plain sunset shirt blended with the background. the trees thing if u dunno wat i mean heh heh
and fuck yeah leeds should have won against liverpool. wat a match. tak sia sia aku support leeds. i remembered the match dat made me decide to turn my back on man u. it was a few years ago when leeds beat lazio 1-0 in the champions league. the passion and skill that the played dat match in really turned me into a fan. unfortunately now though they are really struggling.. hope they do survive.. heh..