Monday, November 24, 2003
argh blardie sick... i completely ranap my computer communications... confirm fail one ar.... last minit revisitions can get u nowhere..... haiz must retake this module next year.... how?? like cheetolot like that.... all the simple thing oso i cannot remember.... farking disapointed with myself... than maths summore... aku serius cam tanak raya seh besok..... bodoh nye ite.... pla pundek argh!!!! mati mati mati..... maTII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2003

your asshole.
What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Power Rangers Movie!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

What Stacie Orrico Music Video Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are MICHELLE BRANCH! You hang out with both
guys and girls and enjoy the company of both.
You are pretty nice to everyone you meet even
if you dont like them. Share that love!
Are You More Like Avril Lavigne, Michelle Branch, or Vanessa Carlton?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your "still" you probaly just got your
heart broken or a crushing on someone you can't
What rufio song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Gibson Guitar are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
aiyooooo i want an sg!!!!

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla
-- name: Ahmad Rafiee bin Abdullah
-- birth date: 11.06.1986
-- birthplace: kandang buffalo hospital
-- current location: pasir ris, singapore
-- eye color: blackish/brownish
-- hair color: black
-- height: 1.70m.
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: gemini
Layer Two:
-- the shoes you wore today: the dust on my feet
-- your weakness: GIRLS!!!!!
-- your fears: GIRLS!!! and god, mostly god, but yeah GIRLS!!!!
-- your perfect pizza: super supreme
-- goal you'd like to achieve: become a rockstar/ go through life without studying and becoming rich by just being lazy
Layer Three:
-- your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
-- your thoughts first waking up: argh damn it was just a dream
-- your best physical feature: my eyes... i guess.. and maybe my rabbit teeth
-- your bedtime: 11 lie in bed... 12 go to sleep
-- your most missed memory: MY SECONDARY SCHOOL DAYS
Layer Four:
-- in love?: yes!
Layer Five:
-- smoke: no
-- cuss: ape tu?
-- sing: all the time
-- take a shower everyday: mampos... soalan bonus
-- have a crush: nah... does having a crush on a famous movie start count?
-- do you think you've been in love: hello no..
-- want to go to college: fark studying
-- like(d) high school: Loved it!
-- believe in yourself: low self confidence levels
-- get motion sickness: nopez
-- think you're attractive: urms... i would if i had more weight...
-- think you're a health freak?: no
-- get along with your parent(s): yeapz...
-- like thunderstorms: yes.. nature is so beautiful
-- play an instrument: guitar, bass and beginning to learn drums
Layer Six:
In the past month...
-- drank alcohol: no
-- smoked: no
-- done a drug: PANA - dol
-- had sex: i wish..
-- made out: does my pillow count??
-- gone on a date: yes
-- gone to the mall?: like duh??
-- eaten an entire box of Oreos: nopez
-- eaten sushi: no, dammit stop making me feel hungry
-- been on stage: yeah...
-- been dumped: noooooo
-- gone skating: nopez
Layer Seven:
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: helll no
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: NO
-- been caught "doing something": Nopez
-- been called a tease: no
-- got beaten up: no
-- shoplifted: NO
-- changed who you were to fit in: heck no.... posuer
Layer Eight:
-- age you hope to be married: now would be great
-- numbers and names of children: like to have 4... and name them rafiee 1,2,3,4
-- describe your dream wedding: by the beach... not in singapore!!
-- how do you want to die: when i have fulfilled everything i had hoped to be...
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: alive
Layer Nine:
In the opposite sex
-- best eye color?: blue
-- best hair color?: black
-- short or long hair: both
-- height: have to be shorter than 1.70
-- best weight: aiyo sensitive issue
-- best articles of clothing: shirt and jean...
-- best first date location: a really mad ska gig
-- best first kiss location: in my bedroom
Layer Ten:
-- # of drugs taken illegaly: zero
-- # of people I could trust with my life: one or twp.
-- # of CDs that I own: wahlowei.. many larh
-- # of tattoos: zero.. would like to have one
-- # of scars on my body: many larh...
-- # of birthmarks: one
-- # of things in my past that i regret:haiz...
-- birth date: 11.06.1986
-- birthplace: kandang buffalo hospital
-- current location: pasir ris, singapore
-- eye color: blackish/brownish
-- hair color: black
-- height: 1.70m.
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: gemini
Layer Two:
-- the shoes you wore today: the dust on my feet
-- your weakness: GIRLS!!!!!
-- your fears: GIRLS!!! and god, mostly god, but yeah GIRLS!!!!
-- your perfect pizza: super supreme
-- goal you'd like to achieve: become a rockstar/ go through life without studying and becoming rich by just being lazy
Layer Three:
-- your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
-- your thoughts first waking up: argh damn it was just a dream
-- your best physical feature: my eyes... i guess.. and maybe my rabbit teeth
-- your bedtime: 11 lie in bed... 12 go to sleep
-- your most missed memory: MY SECONDARY SCHOOL DAYS
Layer Four:
-- in love?: yes!
Layer Five:
-- smoke: no
-- cuss: ape tu?
-- sing: all the time
-- take a shower everyday: mampos... soalan bonus
-- have a crush: nah... does having a crush on a famous movie start count?
-- do you think you've been in love: hello no..
-- want to go to college: fark studying
-- like(d) high school: Loved it!
-- believe in yourself: low self confidence levels
-- get motion sickness: nopez
-- think you're attractive: urms... i would if i had more weight...
-- think you're a health freak?: no
-- get along with your parent(s): yeapz...
-- like thunderstorms: yes.. nature is so beautiful
-- play an instrument: guitar, bass and beginning to learn drums
Layer Six:
In the past month...
-- drank alcohol: no
-- smoked: no
-- done a drug: PANA - dol
-- had sex: i wish..
-- made out: does my pillow count??
-- gone on a date: yes
-- gone to the mall?: like duh??
-- eaten an entire box of Oreos: nopez
-- eaten sushi: no, dammit stop making me feel hungry
-- been on stage: yeah...
-- been dumped: noooooo
-- gone skating: nopez
Layer Seven:
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: helll no
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: NO
-- been caught "doing something": Nopez
-- been called a tease: no
-- got beaten up: no
-- shoplifted: NO
-- changed who you were to fit in: heck no.... posuer
Layer Eight:
-- age you hope to be married: now would be great
-- numbers and names of children: like to have 4... and name them rafiee 1,2,3,4
-- describe your dream wedding: by the beach... not in singapore!!
-- how do you want to die: when i have fulfilled everything i had hoped to be...
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: alive
Layer Nine:
In the opposite sex
-- best eye color?: blue
-- best hair color?: black
-- short or long hair: both
-- height: have to be shorter than 1.70
-- best weight: aiyo sensitive issue
-- best articles of clothing: shirt and jean...
-- best first date location: a really mad ska gig
-- best first kiss location: in my bedroom
Layer Ten:
-- # of drugs taken illegaly: zero
-- # of people I could trust with my life: one or twp.
-- # of CDs that I own: wahlowei.. many larh
-- # of tattoos: zero.. would like to have one
-- # of scars on my body: many larh...
-- # of birthmarks: one
-- # of things in my past that i regret:haiz...
just woke up... believe it or not.... my head feels freaking heavy.. and yeah aku nie tak puase nari.. so aku nie ngh mukan kuih tat jemput yeah??.. so anyways... last night i took a robitussin tablet for my cough and sore throat.... so during sahur... i woke up and headed to the toilet... and i started coughing... my vision started to blur and i felt as if the rugby world cup was going on inside my head... i almost collapse... but luckily for my mother... i didn't... I Love u Mum!!! so anyhows.. with my current state.. i forgot to niat so my mother say... kau gie makan sudah... and yeah.. hehe... obviously my mother wont let me join the guys for break fast session.... hope they have fun....
work starts on the 26th but i have a maths paper and it starts at 2.30 and ends at 4.30.... right smack in the middle of the morning shift and evening shift.... so i'm wondering how to get out of this mess... how? how? how?? u see ar... whenver i wanna start work... mesti ade hal... haiz.. ok urh i tink i wanna go back to sleep..
work starts on the 26th but i have a maths paper and it starts at 2.30 and ends at 4.30.... right smack in the middle of the morning shift and evening shift.... so i'm wondering how to get out of this mess... how? how? how?? u see ar... whenver i wanna start work... mesti ade hal... haiz.. ok urh i tink i wanna go back to sleep..
Friday, November 21, 2003
just finished adding some pages to the underedge site... my flash navigation bar went horribly wrong.... so the site currently has no navigation buttons.. hooray..!! haha anyways.. feeling proud of msyelf.. i managed to complete all 10 tutorials of my c com book in less than 2 hours.. plus all the notes i wrote down... eheh altogether 3 hours of studying... that is like more the most studying i have done in over a year... so yeah.. myabe just maybe i can pass the bloody ite exams and do not have to be retained in sec year... anyways.. 2morrow the boys breaking fast outside.. hope i can tag along but my parents are a big hurdle... okie now.. going to sleep.. chiowz
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
ah damn.... was editing the graphics for underedge webbie when photoshop crashed on me.. wahlowei... this sucks.. anyway guys here's a preview of the new ue site... Yow.... nothing much really.... been experimenting with flash... mayb i'll try and put some flash objects... but in the mean time.. its all graphics...
just got back from skool and heck the BIG maths test happened to be an open book test.. can't believe my luck... heheh so yeah most of the time tried to do by myself and apply the things that i have learned.. but heck screw DAT!... hehex so anyways chemistry paper 2 in an hours time.. sure flunk one.. o well....
Monday, November 17, 2003
Sunday, November 16, 2003
wah kaus so tired....
friday: woke up at 9.30 and left the hosue for skool at 10. The lesson starts at 10 but.. u know.. ehhehe.... so anyways.... reached class at 10.30.... and at 11 can go back already cause class at 11 was cancelled... so yeah.. was pretty agitated.. so had nothing to do so fir suggested jamming... played hardcore and grindcore... asalboleh core pun we play.. hehe and we even have our own original!!! heeha madness.. so went back home after dat... went out again for tuition which me and allen decided to cabut.. played a few rounds of virtua striker before meeting the poly guys for our qiamulai.... hehe qiyam habis.. had our break fast at masjid taqua... den went to katong and played 2 hrs of battlefield... it was great fun.. but i kept dying... so yeah... blergh... went back to tampines at ard 11 plus... and slept at darul ghufran.. wah air con.. shiok sey... wanted to sleep but i couldn't cause this kids were making noises and stuff.. feel like wanna stuff my bag into their mouths... sheesh.. so stayed up and listend to ghost stories and talked about kiamat and all dat... THE SIGNS ARE THERE!! BERTAUBAT LAR WAHAI KAWAN KAWAN KU!!! haiz.. and yeah AKU ADE HP!!!! sape nak no aku... msg aku pat msn.. ok go!
saturday: so got up at 4 in the morning and sahured at the masjid.. eat together -gather... like fun like dat hheheh.... so walked out and it was really stranged to see the interchange so empty... it was a first for me actually... like ghost town like dat.. walked to faizal's house in simei.. and i borrowed his matrix reloaded cd... after dat went home.. and slept till about 11 i tink... siap here and siap there.. and went to the m&m infestation to buy my baju kurung .. my black kurung cost 80 bucks.. but my father willing to pay so heheh belik lar eh!! after dat went round the bazaar ... so many whammax.. but strangely little m&ms... i guess they only go out at night..
bought deng deng, ramlee burger and mutton chop.. so reached home and break fast.. wahlowei so full..... knnbreys... so went jamming with the underedgies... was sucky at first.. cause zack nye guitar buat hal... first takde bunyi.. pastu gadjet habis battery.. pastu string pulak putus... haha macam siak... so was fun eventually.. some kids even sang along to our cover of ss9's dreaming... wah they clap some more... so happy sey!! hehehe den completed our newest original... haven write the lyrics yet... but i'm sure its gonna be nice.. tHx yazid for helping us out.... u rock brader!! heheh so yeah reached home at 11 plus... and slept and slept.. and here i am today~~
friday: woke up at 9.30 and left the hosue for skool at 10. The lesson starts at 10 but.. u know.. ehhehe.... so anyways.... reached class at 10.30.... and at 11 can go back already cause class at 11 was cancelled... so yeah.. was pretty agitated.. so had nothing to do so fir suggested jamming... played hardcore and grindcore... asalboleh core pun we play.. hehe and we even have our own original!!! heeha madness.. so went back home after dat... went out again for tuition which me and allen decided to cabut.. played a few rounds of virtua striker before meeting the poly guys for our qiamulai.... hehe qiyam habis.. had our break fast at masjid taqua... den went to katong and played 2 hrs of battlefield... it was great fun.. but i kept dying... so yeah... blergh... went back to tampines at ard 11 plus... and slept at darul ghufran.. wah air con.. shiok sey... wanted to sleep but i couldn't cause this kids were making noises and stuff.. feel like wanna stuff my bag into their mouths... sheesh.. so stayed up and listend to ghost stories and talked about kiamat and all dat... THE SIGNS ARE THERE!! BERTAUBAT LAR WAHAI KAWAN KAWAN KU!!! haiz.. and yeah AKU ADE HP!!!! sape nak no aku... msg aku pat msn.. ok go!
saturday: so got up at 4 in the morning and sahured at the masjid.. eat together -gather... like fun like dat hheheh.... so walked out and it was really stranged to see the interchange so empty... it was a first for me actually... like ghost town like dat.. walked to faizal's house in simei.. and i borrowed his matrix reloaded cd... after dat went home.. and slept till about 11 i tink... siap here and siap there.. and went to the m&m infestation to buy my baju kurung .. my black kurung cost 80 bucks.. but my father willing to pay so heheh belik lar eh!! after dat went round the bazaar ... so many whammax.. but strangely little m&ms... i guess they only go out at night..
bought deng deng, ramlee burger and mutton chop.. so reached home and break fast.. wahlowei so full..... knnbreys... so went jamming with the underedgies... was sucky at first.. cause zack nye guitar buat hal... first takde bunyi.. pastu gadjet habis battery.. pastu string pulak putus... haha macam siak... so was fun eventually.. some kids even sang along to our cover of ss9's dreaming... wah they clap some more... so happy sey!! hehehe den completed our newest original... haven write the lyrics yet... but i'm sure its gonna be nice.. tHx yazid for helping us out.... u rock brader!! heheh so yeah reached home at 11 plus... and slept and slept.. and here i am today~~
Thursday, November 13, 2003
this has got to be the ultimate love song.. haiz..
"My Anne"
Darling I want to make the word "love" new
cause it's been said so many times
And I don't want to use that old pick up line
And oft' I try to find the words to use but none capture the way I feel
When I gaze at your smile it seems like I'm out flying a sunset skyline
You've stolen my eyes, I stare at what I can't describe. I guess I tried
Look in my eyes. It's not hard to realize I'm the one who loves you
And though you'll never know my heart, my complete feelings
Just know you'll never be alone
Words keep cluttering in my mind as I persist in this futility
But no vocabulary could ever represent the beauty I see
You're everything and more than I could want you to be
And in your face what do I see?
It's like a rainbow in my mind, like when the daylight starts to die
Just like a landscape catching rain
or like a snow glazed mountain face
Like Charlie Chaplain, like clapping one hand,
my love can not be heard
And all those love songs, they come out all wrong
cause there's just no such word, my Annie
Look in my eyes.
It's not hard to realize I'm the one who loves you
And though you'll never know my heart, my full emotion
Just know you'll never be alone, my Annie
"My Anne"
Darling I want to make the word "love" new
cause it's been said so many times
And I don't want to use that old pick up line
And oft' I try to find the words to use but none capture the way I feel
When I gaze at your smile it seems like I'm out flying a sunset skyline
You've stolen my eyes, I stare at what I can't describe. I guess I tried
Look in my eyes. It's not hard to realize I'm the one who loves you
And though you'll never know my heart, my complete feelings
Just know you'll never be alone
Words keep cluttering in my mind as I persist in this futility
But no vocabulary could ever represent the beauty I see
You're everything and more than I could want you to be
And in your face what do I see?
It's like a rainbow in my mind, like when the daylight starts to die
Just like a landscape catching rain
or like a snow glazed mountain face
Like Charlie Chaplain, like clapping one hand,
my love can not be heard
And all those love songs, they come out all wrong
cause there's just no such word, my Annie
Look in my eyes.
It's not hard to realize I'm the one who loves you
And though you'll never know my heart, my full emotion
Just know you'll never be alone, my Annie
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Underedge- tuesday morning
lost in a world of my own
its another one of those mornings
where i can't wait to come back home
tired of sitting and waiting
deluded deflated demoralised
and feeling alone again
but then i can't believe my eyes
a figure took me by surprise
i would have sweared aloud
but i can't even seem to catch my breath
a goddess of arabian descent
looking stunning in her yellow vans
and i wish i could force a smile
wish i could be the one to pick her up everyday
wish i could be the one to kiss her good night
but even though i know i could never be
but whos to say i can't dream...
i'll say goodbye for now
i'll hope to see you again...
jkurh i know its lame.. ive not wrriten much songs about the opposte sex so yeah there is a beginning to everything but i just thought it was cool to write a song about what happened just now... hehe korang teke ar ape jadik eh... anyways jessica alba is on the cover of maxim!!! MUST BUY!!! hahaha siak despo sak rafi!! but hey thats the joy of being single.. u can ogle at girls and u dun ahve to feel guilty about it... hehe.. ;)
lost in a world of my own
its another one of those mornings
where i can't wait to come back home
tired of sitting and waiting
deluded deflated demoralised
and feeling alone again
but then i can't believe my eyes
a figure took me by surprise
i would have sweared aloud
but i can't even seem to catch my breath
a goddess of arabian descent
looking stunning in her yellow vans
and i wish i could force a smile
wish i could be the one to pick her up everyday
wish i could be the one to kiss her good night
but even though i know i could never be
but whos to say i can't dream...
i'll say goodbye for now
i'll hope to see you again...
jkurh i know its lame.. ive not wrriten much songs about the opposte sex so yeah there is a beginning to everything but i just thought it was cool to write a song about what happened just now... hehe korang teke ar ape jadik eh... anyways jessica alba is on the cover of maxim!!! MUST BUY!!! hahaha siak despo sak rafi!! but hey thats the joy of being single.. u can ogle at girls and u dun ahve to feel guilty about it... hehe.. ;)
Monday, November 10, 2003
hahaha madness i accidentally deleted my template while i was changing the title of the blog... and i actually pressed save... so now its gone!!! and i have to redo my blog.. so this is the temporary layout.. hehe anyways...

isn;t she fucken amazing??? haiz...
heheheh.. well today spent time with my polytechnic friends.. mustafa, saifudin, faizal and rashid... i had a blast of a time.. hardly a sec that goes by without us breaking into laughter... hehehe love them lots... after all.. it has been a very long time since i hung out with them... hehex ite exams in 2 weeks time... and had 2 class tests just now... screwed lar eh... so yeah gonna hit the books now!!

isn;t she fucken amazing??? haiz...
heheheh.. well today spent time with my polytechnic friends.. mustafa, saifudin, faizal and rashid... i had a blast of a time.. hardly a sec that goes by without us breaking into laughter... hehehe love them lots... after all.. it has been a very long time since i hung out with them... hehex ite exams in 2 weeks time... and had 2 class tests just now... screwed lar eh... so yeah gonna hit the books now!!
Friday, November 07, 2003
weeee wat a fun 2 days i had... thursday.. was maths paper 2.... and hell i don wanna talk about it.... so calm my brain by watching the matrix revolutions with some people... wah So boring sia the show... only the last part gerek.... so that night went jamming... and another new original is completed... i'm really happy with it... but den the lyrics haven siap so... gonna work on it soon.. so anyways.... wasn't really happy with myself.. said stupid things to her... wanted to say something really nice but ended up saying the opposite... not sure if shes mad or ..... aiyah... haiz... but den hehe she is still cute as ever.... i try m best not to stare at her but i always fail.... k i'm talking crap... i really need some growing up pills... fast !!!
so today.... school was okie... really miss hanging out at the canteen.... but nvm .. i gotta see the jessica alba of ite tamp and yea that totally made my day man... haiz.. pretty awesome shit !!! hehehe so anyhows the job interview at escape turned out to b a laughfest.... the manager really ar... made jokes untill mad ar... the questions was little.. but den he talk a lot ar... hehe my sec job interview there... hope i get this time... haiz so after all dat... here i am listening to slick shoes and craigs brother!! whooo 2 of the most awesome punkrock bands ever!!! pretty awesome shit... and yey! besok buke luar!!! weeeeeeee okie go!!
so today.... school was okie... really miss hanging out at the canteen.... but nvm .. i gotta see the jessica alba of ite tamp and yea that totally made my day man... haiz.. pretty awesome shit !!! hehehe so anyhows the job interview at escape turned out to b a laughfest.... the manager really ar... made jokes untill mad ar... the questions was little.. but den he talk a lot ar... hehe my sec job interview there... hope i get this time... haiz so after all dat... here i am listening to slick shoes and craigs brother!! whooo 2 of the most awesome punkrock bands ever!!! pretty awesome shit... and yey! besok buke luar!!! weeeeeeee okie go!!
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
been 'bunge' this past few days.... all of a sudden people's words hurt me very easily.. and its frightening... donno why.... haiz.. anyways... just read audioreload's forum and auditions for the afua gig this dec have been closed so i guess i'm free this saturday.... not sure going where.. wat i know is i wanna break fast outside... mayb with the my new ite friends... or with my boys... most probably the latter... reason being.. with them.. i dun have to come out with much money.. which means.. my savings will increase which means... i can have my chuckies and plain sunset shirt by next week... hooray~~!!~~ lalalla lash... nieways... 2morrow is maths paper 2.. and i'm totally screwed... i know i'm gonna fail... but i hope i fail with dignity.. d7 would be nice... hehe so yeah...
got a really short hair cut today... suddenly my head feels a lot lighter... hehe needed a change.. so yeah... but i wish it was much shorter though.. anyhows... i'm invited to watch a movie with some people 2morrow.. the thing is.. i dun have the dough... well i do.. but hmmz... lets jus say its hard for me to part with 8 bucks.... o lash... i nEED NEW guITAr StrInGs.. its near impossilbe to play guitar w/o the 4th string .. gonna buy soon.. and i need cash... really need a whole lot of cash... WHoLE lOTTA oF CaSH!!
got a really short hair cut today... suddenly my head feels a lot lighter... hehe needed a change.. so yeah... but i wish it was much shorter though.. anyhows... i'm invited to watch a movie with some people 2morrow.. the thing is.. i dun have the dough... well i do.. but hmmz... lets jus say its hard for me to part with 8 bucks.... o lash... i nEED NEW guITAr StrInGs.. its near impossilbe to play guitar w/o the 4th string .. gonna buy soon.. and i need cash... really need a whole lot of cash... WHoLE lOTTA oF CaSH!!
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
nofx totally rocks... hahah till today i tot they were crap... cause i dwlded all those ska songs from them.. but today fir lend me his nofx cd... and yeah they are awesome... but most real i'm still high on best interest one god reason has been playing on my playlist since forever man.... so anyways 2 more days to maths paper 2.... i have no motivation to study i mean.. its over and done with.. i'm failing....... so screw it.... haiz... the guys are out now.. donno wat they doing.... i'm missing underedge... and really missing badly...... can't believe my friends comment on us whenever we wanna jam 'asik jam jek... jgn buang duit ar..' this lar dat lar... but its been so long since we've been jamming... it was like weeks ago and hell yeah... i dun count the days we jam without our AWOL bassist... haha when was the last time he jammed with us... hmmmmmmz o well... lucky we have din!! we love u beb!! so anyways so much for support from our friends yeah?? hhehe ok man dwlding fifa2004 gonna play it soon.. cheerios
Monday, November 03, 2003
physics was killer!!!!!!!!! in the middle of the paper i swear i had tots of killing myself.... right there then... urgh... another missed chance.. so i guess.. i'll be in ite next year.... gonna ahve to wait several more years before realising my dream of going poly... haiz.... well maths was manageable though... but still.. haiz... no hope lar.... gonna go sleep now...
Saturday, November 01, 2003
[listening to blink 182- dysentary gary]
weee this songs really rocks.. maybe i'm gonna go to cash coverters one of this days and find a sec hand blink 182 enema of the state cd... i used to have it but i'm struck with this anti-blink 182 syndrome... i lost my enema of the state... and my toypaj cd got scratched really bad... den it got broke in half... madness... and when i wanted to buy dude ranch... it never seems to appear in every cd shop i go to.. but when i havve spent all my money... the cd pops out everywhere... leeesh... o well... the guys went to break fast outside.. maybe at geylang... not sure though...o well hope they have fun.... o levels in 2 days time... i dun deserve to have fun... hehe o well....
me and my fav friend farhan khamis... hehe
weee this songs really rocks.. maybe i'm gonna go to cash coverters one of this days and find a sec hand blink 182 enema of the state cd... i used to have it but i'm struck with this anti-blink 182 syndrome... i lost my enema of the state... and my toypaj cd got scratched really bad... den it got broke in half... madness... and when i wanted to buy dude ranch... it never seems to appear in every cd shop i go to.. but when i havve spent all my money... the cd pops out everywhere... leeesh... o well... the guys went to break fast outside.. maybe at geylang... not sure though...o well hope they have fun.... o levels in 2 days time... i dun deserve to have fun... hehe o well....
me and my fav friend farhan khamis... hehe
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