-- name: Ahmad Rafiee bin Abdullah
-- birth date: 11.06.1986
-- birthplace: kandang buffalo hospital
-- current location: pasir ris, singapore
-- eye color: blackish/brownish
-- hair color: black
-- height: 1.70m.
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: gemini
Layer Two:
-- the shoes you wore today: the dust on my feet
-- your weakness: GIRLS!!!!!
-- your fears: GIRLS!!! and god, mostly god, but yeah GIRLS!!!!
-- your perfect pizza: super supreme
-- goal you'd like to achieve: become a rockstar/ go through life without studying and becoming rich by just being lazy
Layer Three:
-- your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
-- your thoughts first waking up: argh damn it was just a dream
-- your best physical feature: my eyes... i guess.. and maybe my rabbit teeth
-- your bedtime: 11 lie in bed... 12 go to sleep
-- your most missed memory: MY SECONDARY SCHOOL DAYS
Layer Four:
-- in love?: yes!
Layer Five:
-- smoke: no
-- cuss: ape tu?
-- sing: all the time
-- take a shower everyday: mampos... soalan bonus
-- have a crush: nah... does having a crush on a famous movie start count?
-- do you think you've been in love: hello no..
-- want to go to college: fark studying
-- like(d) high school: Loved it!
-- believe in yourself: low self confidence levels
-- get motion sickness: nopez
-- think you're attractive: urms... i would if i had more weight...
-- think you're a health freak?: no
-- get along with your parent(s): yeapz...
-- like thunderstorms: yes.. nature is so beautiful
-- play an instrument: guitar, bass and beginning to learn drums
Layer Six:
In the past month...
-- drank alcohol: no
-- smoked: no
-- done a drug: PANA - dol
-- had sex: i wish..
-- made out: does my pillow count??
-- gone on a date: yes
-- gone to the mall?: like duh??
-- eaten an entire box of Oreos: nopez
-- eaten sushi: no, dammit stop making me feel hungry
-- been on stage: yeah...
-- been dumped: noooooo
-- gone skating: nopez
Layer Seven:
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: helll no
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: NO
-- been caught "doing something": Nopez
-- been called a tease: no
-- got beaten up: no
-- shoplifted: NO
-- changed who you were to fit in: heck no.... posuer
Layer Eight:
-- age you hope to be married: now would be great
-- numbers and names of children: like to have 4... and name them rafiee 1,2,3,4
-- describe your dream wedding: by the beach... not in singapore!!
-- how do you want to die: when i have fulfilled everything i had hoped to be...
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: alive
Layer Nine:
In the opposite sex
-- best eye color?: blue
-- best hair color?: black
-- short or long hair: both
-- height: have to be shorter than 1.70
-- best weight: aiyo sensitive issue
-- best articles of clothing: shirt and jean...
-- best first date location: a really mad ska gig
-- best first kiss location: in my bedroom
Layer Ten:
-- # of drugs taken illegaly: zero
-- # of people I could trust with my life: one or twp.
-- # of CDs that I own: wahlowei.. many larh
-- # of tattoos: zero.. would like to have one
-- # of scars on my body: many larh...
-- # of birthmarks: one
-- # of things in my past that i regret:haiz...